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Couples Coaching, Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Couples Therapy, Relationship Coaching; serving Littleton, Highlands Ranch and Centennial since 1972. 

Empowerment Systems

"...When Change is the Challenge."

You Deserve an Intimate Partnership that Enhances your Life!


Free Gift

Little-Known Secrets of Relationship Development *
a 1-hour audio presentation. Download now.

*Don't  choose between giving up yourself in order to be in a relationship or giving up your relationship in order to be yourself!

Listen to us informally teach a group of volunteer marriage support counselors how to have both.

When you love each other, but...

  • You can't talk without fighting
  • One of you had an affair
  • You're driving each other crazy
  • You're scared to talk about money
  • You're afraid divorce is the only solution
  • You're overcommitted and distracted
  • You just can't forgive
  • He/She is a control freak
  • You're sure your partner is the one who needs to change
  • You just want her to get off your back
  • You just want him to do his part
  • You've suffered a major loss

We can help.

Call now for an appointment: 303-794-5379, or email 
Laurie at laurieweiss@empowermentsystems.com 
or Jonathan at weiss@empowermentsystems.com 

Why us?

There are hundreds of people offering relationship advice on the Internet, and thousands more offline. How are you going to know who to listen to, who to trust with the most important part of your life?

All these adviser have credentials; so do we. They have all probably talked to lots of different people; so have we.

(More about Dr. Jonathan) (More about Dr. Laurie)

So what's different about us?

Very simple: we have been there AND we have applied our training, knowledge, theories, understandings, etc., to our own personal and business lives, and have lived to tell the tale. 

We've been married (TO EACH OTHER) for over 53 years. We've been business partners for 40 years.  We've experienced, survived, and grown from almost everything that two people together will ever run into:

  • Major and minor moves, career changes, failures and successes;
  • Stagnation, new directions, changing roles;
  • Separations, distance, infidelity;
  • A stillborn child - our first;
  • Births;
  • Children growing, grown, moving out, succeeding, failing;
  • Teenage runaways, drug abuse, and impressive achievements;
  • The deaths of all four parents - long illnesses, nursing homes, suicide;
  • Investment successes and miserable failures;
  • Giving advice, getting advice, using advice, ignoring advice, regretting advice;
  • Laughing, yelling, grieving, plodding, creating, committing, sharing;
  • Getting older, loving it and hating it;
  • Caring for grandchildren.

Sometimes we think that the only important experience we have missed is the rich learning of a divorce, but we have worked with plenty of people

  • Before, 
  • During, 
  • After, 
  • Instead of, 
  • Preventing it or encouraging it, 

that we think we have some wisdom anyway.

So get this free audio presentation now, and listen to some REAL experts talk about what REALLY  happens in relationships, and how you can use the information to make a difference in yours. - OR, just call 303-794-5379 now to make your appointment.

Jonathan B. Weiss, Ph.D. and Laurie Weiss, Ph.D
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Couples Therapy
  • Relationship Coaching
Serving Littleton, Centennial 
and Highlands Ranch since 1972.

506 West Davies Way
Littleton · Colorado · 80120
303.794.5408 · Fax
303.794.5379 · Phone
800.594.4594 · Toll-Free


Q: Do you both see us?
A: No, we tend to speak at the same time and say the same things.

Q: How do I choose which of you to see?
A: Decide if you're more comfortable with a man or a woman. If it doesn't matter, you can have a session with each and then decide, or you can flip a coin - or you can just see whose schedule matches yours.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: A lot less than a divorce. We're expensive, but worth it. 

Q: Is it covered by insurance?
A: Usually not. To make insurance work, you each have to have a mental illness diagnosis.

Q: Have you written anything else I can look at?
A: Lots. You can check out our blogs and publications (links at the upper left of this page) or visit www.relationshiphq.com.


"Committed to helping people use all of their inner resources
to create satisfying and fulfilling lives."

In Couples Counseling...

You can become free to respond in a loving way to the needs of your partner, without fear of losing yourself.

When you tell clearly what you need and want, and listen openly to your partner's needs, you create a truly balanced, mutually nurturing relationship. Closeness and intimacy flow naturally and spontaneously.

Learning to ask the right questions, instead of giving advice or arguing for your point of view, reduces conflict and leads to productive problem-solving. Differences become a source of creative cooperation, rather than a justification for destructive competition.

When you learn to listen carefully enough to yourself, you realize that you really do know what you want. As you accept and appreciate the human quality of your own desires, you can afford to be more responsive to and supportive of the wishes of your partner. You learn to relate to your partner in a way that affirms that your needs and theirs are equally important.

At Empowerment Systems, your counselors have been married to each other for 53 years, and have 40 years of experience each in helping couples successfully solve the inevitable problems that occur in any intimate relationship.

For more information about couples' counseling and coaching at Empowerment Systems, call 303-794-5379 or e-mail us now.
